Friday, August 12, 2016

#edchat 2016 Opening keynote - Rototuna Junior High School

'Pushing the boundaries of educational possibilities' 
Fraser Hill and Danielle Myburgh 

RJHS - getting the students ready for being 'emerging adolescents' 
660 - Yr7-10 - biggest opening role of a new school. 

The secondary school is being adjoining the middle school. 

Tribe: Find the perfect group for you - people who challenge and push you to go further. Be the first follower - who makes a lone nut a leader! (Derek Sivers).

Has automation affected your job? 

 Has  your job become more complex? 

We no longer know how to solve the problems that are presented to us? We can't predict the future.

What does a conference look like? It is the bridge between reality and possibilities. Diverse groups of teachers collaborate and create possibilities - for schools and beyond! 

Sustainability a key focus - recyclable everything - cups, no paper 

Met my tribe - Kereru - one is from the Game Lab - learning through gaming. Others from primary, intermediate and secondary areas. Led by Justine Hughes. 
What would be the one thing you'd like to change? 

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